Lighten your mental load to carve out some “me time”…at last!

Tame your household chaos with proven systems to help you efficiently manage every aspect of your home life. Save hours each week, so you have more time for what matters most.

Join other busy parents subscribing to the Autopilot Your Homelife newsletter. Get the latest in smart routines, essential apps, and insider tips to streamline your household management. Delivered to your inbox every Saturday.

When these suggestions to lighten your load just aren’t working…

Cartoon of a person sitting cross-legged and meditating inside a circle with a line through it, showing that meditation isn't always the best way to manage your mental load.

“Just work out, meditate, and sleep more

“Just lower your standards”

“Just get your partner to help out more

…Reclaim hours each day with household routines set to autopilot!

Get tips, workflows (with step-by-step walkthroughs), and strategies for efficiently managing these activities!

Primary Activities


Establish a to-do list system that lets you manage everything.


Deal with your info: touch it once, put it away fast, and find it later.


Keep family members and caregivers in the loop every day.

Specialized Activities


Track everyday items like food and supplies, to ensure you never run out.


Plan meals that work for you and fit your family’s busy schedule.


Set up routines for cleaning and maintaining your home.


Track what you earn and spend so nothing surprises you. Ease your tax prep.


Create your perfect weekly schedule. Sync family calendars.

More resources to kickstart your productivity:

Upgrade your tools

Grab The Homemaker’s Toolkit [FREE Guide]

Are you running your household with the right set of tools? Find out which apps will help you lighten your mental load.

Set up Your Systems

Try out Ultimate Guides

Gear up your systems and workflows to manage all your information with ease.

See Walkthroughs

Get actionable tips on our YouTube Channel

Explore our YouTube Channel for plenty of FREE tips to upgrade your home routines.

Get productive now, with our latest articles: