Save and Find any household document—lightning fast!

With the Ultimate Guide: Set Up Your Household Filing System, you’ll set up a nested folder system on your computer in just a few hours. Going forward, you’ll know exactly how to save, organize, and maintain any file in your system—so you can be confident of easily finding what you need (even years from now).

Your Downloads folder has stuff you saved back in 2013. Your email’s got 7500 messages. And you shudder to think about the duplicates scattered throughout your system.

You want to clean up your act, but every day brings another slew of new information to manage. When will you find the time? Where will you even start?

But now you’re at the breaking point. You’ve missed too many deadlines. You’ve wasted too much time searching for important stuff. 

You’re ready to create a ‘Household Filing System.’ But you need to make sure your efforts will pay off. 

You want a simple method that includes clear rules for deciding what to keep, how to organize your files, and how best to find what you need in a moment.

You want a solution you can access from anywhere. And you don’t want to spend too much time setting this up or fiddling around with fancy apps.

The good news: You’re in the right place. This Guide will walk you through, step-by-step, all you need to know to set up an easy-to-use system in an afternoon.

5 pages of excerpts from the Ultimate Guide Set Up Your Household Files

Know which files to keep—and exactly where to put them

‘Set Up Your Household Filing System’ is made for parents by parents. You’ll review all the categories of files you’ll encounter as a Household Manager, and set up rules for which records you’ll save—and which you can delete or store elsewhere.

👋 Fillable Worksheets Included!

Take away: A fill-in-the-blanks overview of your customized filing system

The 20-page Fillable Worksheets the Appendix provides a detailed reference of your new filing system. It mirrors the folders you’ll set up, so it’s a handy cheatsheet to help you recall exactly what files to save, how to name them, and where to put them.

Your Roadmap to Organized Files

1. Know Exactly What to Keep

Identify what documents belong in your filing system (and which to store elsewhere or trash altogether)

2. Stash Incoming Items in One Place

Determine what file formats to use, and create an all-purpose Inbox landing pad for all incoming items.

3. Rename Files Consistently

Make consistent use of a ‘Never-Forget-It’ file naming protocol, so you know what search terms to use to find files later on.

4. Create and Sort Into Organized Folders

Deploy a done-for-you nested folder structure to keep all your files organized. Learn about automation options, too.

5. Find Files Quickly

Use simple search strategies to find what you need—lightening fast.

6. Maintain Easily

Discover no-fuss routines for weekly and ‘spring-cleaning‘ timeframes to keep your filing system from clogging up.

7. Walk Away With a Full Reference Cheatsheet

Use the Fillable Worksheets Appendices to serve as a detailed overview of your new Filing System. (And, it documents your filing system for others too.)

Don’t Wait: Get the 69-Page Ultimate Guide: Set Up Your Household Filing System…Today!

Ultimate Guide: Set Up Your Household Filing System

$9.99 (INTRO OFFER!)


  • Made for parents, by parents
  • What to Keep—A Comprehensive Review
  • File and Folder Naming Conventions
  • Fillable Worksheet Reference Document
  • 69 pages of everything you need to know…

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