Manage all your household obligations—without stress and overwhelm!

With the Ultimate Guide: Shape Up Your To-Do List, you’ll discover that setting up and using a to-do list app for your personal tasks doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming….

…And you’ll finally rest easy knowing that you’ll get done what you need to do—on time!

You realize you can’t possibly manage your seemingly infinite household obligations in your head…

…or your email inbox. (There’s already way too much going on in there!)

You know it’s time to make a commitment to work things out with an external to-do list.

Maybe you’ve tried some tools in the past, like a bullet-journal or a paper planner. But they were too complicated—and just didn’t stick.

But you’re willing to try again. You just need some hand-holding.

In this Guide, you’ll get some straightforward ideas about what to-do list apps to use to manage your homelife. And once you settle on ‘The One,’ you’ll get rock-solid advice for how to set it up to seamlessly track all your household obligations.

When you work out your to-do list with each of the 12 Exercises in this Guide, you’ll be more likely to rest easy (for a change). Because you’ll have the tools you need to give you the new-found confidence that what’s on your list will get done.

Discover exactly how to make your to-do list app a reliable assistant

‘Shape Up Your To-Do List‘ is made for parents by parents. With 12 Exercises, you’ll get walkthroughs on how to choose the perfect app, set it up, and use it to seamlessly capture and execute your tasks. You’ll also learn how to maintain your list to keep it fresh. And because this Guide is made by Parents, it’s chock full of relevant examples so you can see exactly what you need to do.

👋 To-Do List App Recommendations Included!

Get help zooming in on the perfect app to meet your needs.

You may not currently have a reliable to-do list app in your toolkit. Don’t worry, this Guide has you covered. The Appendix lists specific app suggestions that should meet your needs as a busy parent. Rest assured, you can use any of these suggested apps to implement the strategies we advocate in the 12 Exercises.

Your Roadmap to a Streamlined To-Do list system

1. Keep simple tasks off your list

Don’t clog your list with junk. Identify what tasks are not worth the trouble of managing from your to-do list.

2. Select an app with these features

In today’s digital world, a digital To-Do list app is a must. Discover which app features are also musts. So you can choose your tool wisely. (Bonus: Specific Apps suggestions included in Appendix B!)

3. Actively name your tasks

Your task names are your handy mnemonics for what you have to do. Choose actively—this Guide will show you how.

4. Breakdown projects into doable steps

No more deer-in-the-headlights when you see a task that feels big and scary. Learn how to break it into actionable pieces instead.

5. Assess your Project Type

Every project comes in one of three flavors. Knowing which type you are handling will help you organize your list.

5. Integrate critical info

Gather all supporting info that will help you complete tasks fast! This Guide will show you how to includes these essentials…seamlessly.

7. Avoid overwhelm through clever organization

Keep only a subset of your tasks in view at any one time. Learn various options for organizing your list into manageable chunks. And discover how to keep back-burner stuff out of your way, but still in your sightlines.

8. Filter for batching and prioritizing

Many tasks can be done in batches, even if they aren’t grouped together on your list. We’ll suggest easy techniques for efficient batch-processing—so you can focus and knock off items from anywhere on your list quickly.

9. Keep your lists fresh and clean

Follow these suggestions to conduct weekly and periodic cleaning of your lists. Spend just 15-30 minutes/week routinely freshening them up with these techniques.

Don’t Wait: Get the 27-Page Ultimate Guide: Shape Up Your To-Do List…Today!

Ultimate Guide: Shape Up Your To-Do List



  • Made for parents, by parents
  • What To-Do list app to chose—and exactly how to organize tasks and projects in it
  • How to seamlessly add essential task-related info to get stuff done—fast
  • Strategies to filter your list to focus only on what you need to see (and keep overwhelm at bay)
  • Easy routines for keeping your list fresh
  • 27 pages of everything busy parents need to know to manage household tasks smoothly…

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